Saturday, October 02, 2021

UNSENT LETTERS: Canadian Wildlife Federation

Writing a letter often relieves more stress than sending it...


Rick Bates

Canadian Wildlife Federation

350 Michael Cowpland Drive

Kanata, ON K2M 2W1


Mr Bates--

Are you under the impression your charity's supporters are induced to contribute by junk packages of notepads, stickers, decals, Christmas cards, certificates, cloth gee-gaws and pens?

Yes, the ridiculous Cherish Nature banner triggers this note.

As a supporter thru the decades, you have me re-assessing why I'm supporting the suspect 30% admin/fundraising that sends me so much promotional crap.

I invite you to check the Nature Conservancy or Doctors without Borders, to see what simple, fact-based appeals look like.

They are apparently effective.

I believe your charity also recently solicited me by phone.

Strike two ...


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