Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Time's up, yahoos

Okay, people.
It's time to stop coddling the un-vaccinated.
If you have double-dose proof on paper or your phone, there is a clear reason Doug Ford doesn't want a vaccine card for his un-vax'd yahoos.
It might be used to keep them off planes.
It might limit their entry to a theater, concert, restaurant, mall, gym, grocery.

Now that the vaccinated are The Majority, it's time to kick some un-vaccinated ass.

The time for pleading is over.

That airports have two lines--vax'd and unvax'd--is absurd.
Why are unvaccinated people in the airport?

Why are un-vaccinated people in restaurants at all? To enter, take off their masks, eat?

Jesus doesn't want them to get covid.
Admit it: they're just dicks dodging pricks.

Time for the majority to enforce tough, common sense mandates on the un-vax'd.
Pleading didn't work.
Step it up.
Wallet vaccination cards now.
Limit what un-vax'd are allowed.
Ford's foot-dragging on proof of vaccination cards is just his latest choice of politics over sence.
It's time for the vaccinated to quit waiting--for what? A change of heart?

Would we accept 20% of drivers deciding to refuse stop lights?
Is that a "right?"


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