Saturday, April 30, 2022

Night Bus

Warning: the above click is a gory, vengeful, murderous cartoon. It's pretty horrific.

If you enjoy Saw, Clockwork Orange, slasher flicks, playing video games where the kill count is in the hundreds or blood and lust graphic novels, this short may hold some charm for you.

Since YouTube and the New Yorker put this in my in-box, it may have redeeming artistic value.

If you think 2022 is already over-run with crazies, hate and spontaneous violence, take a pass. Think Itchy & Scratchy on The Simpsons.

Yes, I watched all of it. (20 mins)

In a week of tech and socials navel-gazing, why has an algorithm decided I--and now maybe you--should see it?

Is it entertainment?

Obviously, I'm leery.

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