Thursday, January 12, 2006

Late night e-talk

My computer blinks when someone on-line wants to chat.
They're almost always former readers of the column.
Awww. Still loved. Sniffle.
I e-talked with a Canadian living in Texas last night.
It went like this....
And yes, he knows it's going up here...

WINS 1010: they say in Louisiana..."How's bayou?"
Pagesix: still kickin. u?
WINS 1010: Not bad. Are the Tories still ahead in the polls?
Pagesix: tories 38, libs 29, ndp 17, bloc whatever as of this morning
WINS 1010: Great. Harper seems like Bush Jr.
Pagesix: i think bush jr is seriously without rival
Pagesix: paul martin looks about 104 now.
stumbles over his own memorized sound clips. it's weird
WINS 1010: You're probably right there, but it amazes me that people don't just see what's happened here over the past 5 years and put in a Liberal majority. Last time I looked at the CBC site, the Tories are pulling the gay rights issue out of the hat.
WINS 1010: A two month long campaign must be gruelling :)
WINS 1010: As long as the Democrats here allow Republicans to talk about abortion and gay rights, they're not going to get anywhere.
Pagesix: The tories have a nice tv ad that shows blue collar joes eating in a diner looking up at a tv set on which martin, & cab members keep repeating they had nothing to do with sponsorgate, that they are paragons of integrity....
this is intercut with justice gomery quotes: "an elaborate tax fund scheme..."
Pagesix: The folks in the diner just nod their heads at each other ... and grin
WINS 1010: Oy. It's just the negative nonsense. Unfortunately it works.
Pagesix: it doesn't come close to the liberal attack ads. at least there's some grin to it.
WINS 1010: I guess Harper's spending the summer on the rubber chicken and barbecue circuit helped his image.
Pagesix: we'll see what rabbits are pulled from hats in the next 2 weeks
Pagesix: he can walk and talk at the same time now. that wasn't true last time out
Pagesix: and he's so laid back... a tribute to modern chemistry
WINS 1010: Should be good. My wife and voted by mail. We've been in Texas for over 20 years. That's a whole other story.
Pagesix: don't hear your accent on here
Pagesix: got the gunrack?
WINS 1010: :)
Pagesix: u never know when a crazed armadillo will try to get in the truck
WINS 1010: No gunrack. If people broke into my house, they'd LEAVE us stuff:)
Pagesix: lol
WINS 1010: I still don't understand why all these people drive pickups and they don't haul anything:)
Pagesix: they haul ass
WINS 1010: Not in the supermarket. They stand around and clog the aisles talking about the Cowboys:)
WINS 1010: Half the city of Plano is in Walmart at any given time:)
Pagesix: i spend time in colorado.
99% of walmart yap is about the broncs
Pagesix: u got somethin' against them 66 cent cans of pringles u darn canuck?
WINS 1010: :) And where can you get a coffee maker for $9?
Pagesix: ah-murica. home of the predigested, perfectly-formed chip
Pagesix: exactly
WINS 1010: And Olestra. Oy vey.

1 comment:

Jerry550 said...

Fuddle duddle!