Sunday, July 18, 2021

Joe Mahoney: "The CBC and me"


I'm reading a terrific, detailed book-length tale of one technician's time at CBC Radio.

Adventures in the Radio Trade. Joe Mahoney.

Published online! One click away, right now.

LINK: Joe Mahoney's online memoir

Mahoney's in the catbird seat at master control above, with Joram Kalfa and Peter Chin.

The author of two books, Joe spent decades at the CBC and has been putting up what amounts to his memoir. So many shows, stunts, radio stars, crafting the national ear food.

No other book makes me love the CBC more. Mahoney is frank and funny about the Corp's quirks and clunkiness.

Joe's one smart writer.

I've ordered copies of his other books. His short story collection, is this one...

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