Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Boys in the bubble


Today's skill-testing question:
This weekend at the Grammy Awards,
Kanye West gets up out of his seat,
walks to the stage,
and smacks Trevor Noah in the mouth.
What happens in the next 30 minutes?
1. Kanye returns to his seat and enjoys the rest of the show.
2. Kanye preps tears for his upcoming award and weepy my bad routine.
3. Kanye is hugged and counseled by Denzel Washington over a Kardashian joke.

4. Kanye sends Pete Davidson a quick screen grab of his Grammy slug.
4. Kanye flees Vegas in a Bronco out the I-15, trailed by six cop cars and a KABC chase helicopter.
Take your time. 
The future can be so iff-y...

 Grammy art: Elizabeth Brockway/DailyBeast

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