Friday, September 17, 2021

ROW ON: In a Co-vid boat?

I watch my Motorcycle Diaries DVD at least twice a year. 
It's a terrific buddy picture, considering that the buddies are Che Guevera and Alberto Grenado, years before greater fame.
Under the end titles, Jorge Drexler sings this haunting song: the only Spanish language tune  ever to be nominated for a best song Oscar.
It won.

I think I saw a light
Just on the other shore ....

I hear you whispering
Don't give up

Row on, row on, row on... 

But a new English lyric gives this 20-year-old tune initial viewings all around the web.

A seemingly endless cast of musicians grows through the Zoom-style video.

People think it's about coping ... and Co-vid.

And maybe it is. 

English version:

LINK: Drexler & Milton Nascimento

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