Friday, June 12, 2020

Innocent question


Justin Trudeau has now offered two pregnant pauses when asked about Trump's actions and the US civil rights protests.

He responds, after dramatic effect, with generalized comparable concern about Canada.

He repeatedly includes the word "racialization" in his answers.

Is "racialization" the issue-neutral word privileged pale people newly use to dodge more specific questions?

Racialization is ... the act or process of imbuing a person with a consciousness of race distinctions ... or of giving a racial character to something

So this would be a good word for ...

. Whites who think non-whites don't know they're not white?

. The rainbow who think whites don't know they're white?

. Aliens ... who think we're all just ants.

If there isn't a focus group in Trudeau's pocket, who brain-doodle that this foggy word-use keeps him out of trouble,  
I am an ant.

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