Monday, March 22, 2021

Who killed Queen Street?

 Co-vid kills people.
Who killed Queen Street?
Celebrate heroes in Toronto hospitals, but name one hero among our political overlords.
Their political mumble-bumble "response" to the pandemic should definitely be in quotes.
Consider the year of confusion, chaos, mixed messsaging and zero preparation for a predictable event. After this virus, there will be another.
And another.
We're all response and no prep.
It took a year to "follow the science."
Just as in the U.S., the ball was tossed to as many health fiefdoms and regional poobahs as posssible.
It makes it harder to point. 
It's frustrating to watch Tory, Ford, Trudeau read their scripted lines as they act out leadership.
What's worse: we accept it.
Photographer Ryan Bolton documents the dark  streetscape along Queen St. W. at
Cities rot from the head.
So do countries.
Can you blame co-vid for these images, if your response has been closer to urban suicide?


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