Monday, February 08, 2021

Jeep® | The Middle

Every troll and mean tweeter has something to say about Bruce Springsteen's Jeep ad.

At the moment, there are nearly 7,000 "comments" on--apparently--the most notable thing to happen yesterday.

The most pertinent: "It is very brave of Jeep to leave the YouTube comments open on this."

The predictable negative response is running about to 10-to-1. "Virtue signalling" is the kindest of these screeds.

But sad music and Springsteen's unity homilies do provoke some inspired backlash:

"Is this from his new album, Born to Vomit?"

"Rich celebrities and corporations need to shut up."

"When did we reunite? Did I miss it?"

"Let's pretend we like Republicans..."

"This is worse than the Kylie Jenner Pepsi ad."

"I wonder how Jeep dealerships feel today?"

"Jeep? You're a car company."

"I'm still buying a Bronco..."

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About 9 p.m. last night, a bud texted me: "What did you think of The Weeknd's halftime show?"

"What is this Bowl you speak of?" I sent back.

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Where is The Middle copywriter this afternoon?

In hiding? Certainly not in ... The Middle.

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Postscript: This Jeep ad was promptly removed from YouTube three days after the Super Bowl. By that point, there were more than 12,000 negative comments that mocked it.

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