Saturday, April 17, 2021

Olympic Hosers

 Welcome to the Third World.
We can't get enough vaccine.
Getting shots into arms is chaotic.
ICU's are full.
 Business is on ventilators.
Go outside.
No, don't go outside.
We're open. Now we're closed.
Just eat fast food.
But stay home.
Better by March. April. Now May 20.
Move the goalposts.
Buy more time.
Our "leadership" is a laugh line.
And now this.
Olympic Team Canada Trucker Jackets.
We've seen street fashion better than this.
Remember just walking around streets?
When that was a thing? 

The Bay's already cut the price on this denim hoser rag from $200 to $148.
Wait for final clearance.
If covid hated denim, we'd be ready.
Look on the bright side:
It could have been hoodies.

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