Thursday, September 29, 2022

A culture is molded by the things it celebrates


So the rumor Netflix is close to ordering a second season of Dahmer, prompts me to watch the first chapter that's been up a week. 
As expected, it's a well-made, glossy extension of the streamer's obsessive exploitation 
of murder porn. 
But 10 episodes of Dahmer?
Ten hours?
 With more coming?
What. The. Fuck.
If criminals are not allowed
to profit from their crimes,
what would you call this?
In our Netflix-TikTok-Influencer Culture,
attention is worth way more than money.
That we can name 
Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer so easily
shows the long shadow
pop culture's spotlight throws.
A culture is supposedly known
by the things it celebrates.
 Do we traffic in real life horror?
There seems to be
a rising unease about it.

1 comment:

Jimmy Moto said...
