Wednesday, November 25, 2020

TV's best theme

So I see

has spent several hours with "music experts" playing old TV theme music.

Dozens of themes, hours of yap.

How can they possibly have avoided The Best Theme Ever Written?

Mannix was a detective show starring Mike Connors as Joe Mannix. Any Expert agrees Lalo Schifrin's title theme eclipses all others.

So much so, it's become a standard for revisits by big bands, trying to recapture that energy.

LINK: Mannix theme (WDR big band)

LINK: Mannix theme (Schifrin Lp) 

LINK: Mannix soundtrack suite 

LINK: Mannix theme (Big Beer Band)

Schifrin also wrote the theme to Mission Impossible, and wrote, arranged, recorded dozens of jazz albums.

Mannix ran from 1967 to 1975 on CBS.

What explains this shocking oversite?

Boomers? Yuppies? Beyond belief.


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