Thursday, November 12, 2020

Shoot low, boys! They're riding Shetland ponies...

Back in Page Six's dark past, we had a contest about a midnight cult film, described by the Hollywood Reporter at the time as "a western musical with an all-midget cast."

So wrong. But an e-mail arrived this week...

"Hi, dunf!
"I don't know if you'll remember me but I won one of your Page Six contests in which you had to come up with a plot for a film called The Terror of Tiny Town.

" The prize was a limo trip to Buffalo to see the flick Pretty Baby... I don't know if winning the contest had any play in this, but I've had a pretty successful freelance writing career and I'm still at it.

"Additionally, my date for Pretty Baby is now my wife of close to 40 years, so I can't help but feel that Page Six had some underlying thing to do with all of this."

Me blushing, RM. Look away.

Back then, there was zero chance anyone in Canada would ever see The Terror of Tiny Town. Tiny little cowboys on tiny Shetland ponies, a white-hatted tiny sheriff, a tiny villain with a cartoon voice, who chases a tiny stagecoach.

But a smiling god gave us the internet. 

And gadzooks, now the strange novelty western is online, just one click away. If you make it through more than 20 tiny  minutes of this oddity, you rock. 

Tiny Town was made the same year as The Wizard of Oz.

I blame Munchkins for this.  Some of them are in it.

P.S. There is more gunfire in the tiny holdup scene above than in Dunkirk. Apparently Little People carry guns that fire forever.

Or, if you have an hour and mind you want to lose forever, there's  

LINK: The Terror of Tiny Town, complete 

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