Thursday, December 30, 2021

Hip Hop Hepa

"Kids back in school January 5 ..."
"Me back? Maybe Easter."
Those extra two days will let us
solve all the shit we haven't solved in two years. 

Another fine mess

Ghislaine's guilty of getting him girls.
Epstein's horny, but dead.
Prince Andrew's 61.
Justice is served.
You want that on white or brown?


LOST SONGS: Goodness Gracious Me, Sellers & Loren

It's too late to cancel Peter Sellers or Sophia Loren for their legendary romp at Abbey Road studios in 1960.

They were shooting The Millionairess, but doing an album of songs and sketches as fun time off.

With a great deal of giggling and improv, little  of those afternoons survives online.

But above, their 1960 "hit" ... #4 in Britain at one point.

SONG: Herbert Kretzmer and Dave Lee
Journalist Kretzmer later did the English lyrics
for Les Miserables 

Don't Look Up story board


LOL Don't Look up



Everybody's a visionary.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Hi there

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble.... 
--saranji / chandler

Snowy owl moment

Who's getting off on this?

Idle thoughts

Merriam-Webster loaded over 400 new words into their dictionary last year, mostly tech or slang.

We are now at the point where Word Authorities must begin taking out words.

Forget archaic or out-out-of usage words: start with words that just annoy me.

Netizen. No. 

FOMO. I have looked it up a half dozen times and still have to look it up.

The plural of Meyers. If Bob and Sue Meyers are a newly married couple, the New Yorker--land of fact-checkers--says they are now "The Meyerses."  Look at that spelling.

Let me out of here.

Gervais returns Jan. 14

One of the few Netflix series that celebrates life is ironically fixed on the pothole caused by death. 

After Life--Ricky Gervais' widower's tale--returns for its third and final season Jan 14.

You have three weeks to watch the first two seasons on Netflix, six episodes each. I suspect you will be hooked.

The promo clip above features Anti--who plays Brandy, Gervais' dog in the series--and the odd mix of silly, touching and sentimental that has  confounded critics.

A delightful interview with Ricky was in the weekend London Guardian. It's here.

Anytime is ice cream time

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Mom? There's a frog in the lettuce...

What do you do if you discover there's a tiny tree frog
in the Romaine lettuce you bought at the grocery?
Come near children, for the Beautiful holiday Twitter tale
of Tony the Tree Frog.
Call it a goddamn WTF Miracle.
Photos. Drama. Escape.
Try not to weep in happiness.
More Kleenex?
Has Netflix called yet?
Just click ... 


"But just in case I stand one little chance... "

Diana Krall and a cunning arrangement give new life to Frank Loesser's standard...

Do you have the receipt? Unusual gifts...

Toilet brush 
Crocheted tank slippers 

Cat blanket for humans

Or just put them all in the back bedroom with the wine and jeans that don't fit.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Saturday, December 25, 2021

"Did Santa bring me anything?"

"Shh! I'm hiding."

A new morning down there


Llamas in Santa hats

Why not?

Xmas week photos: llamas, dogs, cats via

Page Six traditions

Some have been pals a very long time...

From parka nights at CBC Radio, or back when a fat, feisty tabloid newspaper was a thing.

Some buds insist they need The Christmas Gloves story you can find here ...


The Dog Who Loved Christmas epic here.

Thanks for your eyeballs.


The Banana Man

"What did kids watch when you were a tot, old timer?"

And all he got was this sweater


T'was the flight before Christmas

The overnight red-eye Christmas eve from Los Angeles to Memphis...

Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Cratchits have holes in their jeans

Just another working class Christmas for the poor Cratchits.
Why they's jest folks like us, mama!
The knee hole is a nice touch.
The Cratchits are distressed.
I pray Santa brings them all ... shoes.


Resting before the show

--via karpishka


The Don't Weigh Me card

Mum's the word.
We're not fat.
We're sensitive.
Ask a doctor if this card is right for you. 

LINK: No more scales (CNN)


Just tell me the amount of money Amazon gave Javier Bardem to sing Cuban Pete and the endless rhumba reprises of chick chickie boom in Being the Ricardos.
Not enough.


Lead on, Macdoug

More Dougie quotes at


Santa baby

He sees you in the shower,
He knows when you're awake...


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Who drank all the 'nog?



CHRISTMAS CRACKER: Michael Davis, juggler

Before phone cameras, social media and the Interflooxen, there were these ... performers?

Like, with ... acts?

Ornamental decor, 2021

Some see a meatball sub,
some see s--t on a shingle,
others see ... ?


In the drink

If you're even looking at this chart, the ice is too thin.


Snack attack

"Of course you feel great.
These things are loaded with antidepressants." 
The New Yorker shares the cartoons that got the most attention on Instagram this year.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Krampus is here


Krampus comes for Grandma.

Krampus never forgets.

The longest, darkest night of the year

The Great Goat of Europe walks tonight!
Krampus kidnaps bad children.
Think of him as Santa's vacuum cleaner.
Krampus is the holiday wet job specialist,
clearing the decks for the Jolly Old Elf.
No need for Santa to carry extra lumps of coal.
Or risk slipping in kidnapped kiddo's tears.
There are so many bad children in 2021,
Krampus needs the longest night of the year
to catch them all.
What does he do with These Naughty Tots?
They are never seen again.
You think you can hide from his deliciously pointy fingernails and hot goat breath?
You're all grown up?
You think Krampus can't find you?
Guess again, grandma.
--liz rainey-smith woodprint