Wednesday, November 01, 2023

This is a thing?


"Behold the tush: the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the body, responsible for keeping the body upright. 

It has many names—buttocks, bum, derrière, fanny, rump, seat, keister, haunches, backside, buns—but, in the National Football League, tush is the term of the day. 

Butts can fumble and asses get whooped, but a pushed tush can earn you a first-and-ten. Just ask the Philadelphia Eagles.  

The tush getting the most attention belongs to Galena Hurts, the team's quarterback..."

                       --The New Yorker

                          *   *   *

No, Taylor Swift hasn't traded NFL hunks.

Turns out the Tush Push is that little butt shove that might change the score.

The New Yorker goes way deep ... HERE.

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