Sunday, June 11, 2023

JEOPARDY DUDE: What is death?


"I think that’s why it makes sense to have a version of the Afterlife that privileges the past, honestly. Like, you get to see Grandma again ...  Hear every racial slur my great-grandparent ever said. 

"I guess one thing that does appeal to me—and this occurred to me as a kid, when a pastor would tell me about the afterlife—is that I finally know the answers to all the questions that my teachers weren’t sure about. You know, like, What did kill the dinosaurs? Where is Jimmy Hoffa? Did Shakespeare really write Shakespeare? Or all the Leonard Nimoy stuff: like, is there life on other planets?"

                                --Ken Jennings

Smart guy Ken Jennings' new book traces multiple visions of death, heaven and hell.

100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife is the Jeopardy host/winner's amusing take on our strange/silly imaginations.

He's interviewed in the June 8 New Yorker. As intriguing as Jennings' answers are author/interviewer Sarah Larson's questions.

    LINK: 100 Places to See After Death



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