Sunday, March 05, 2023

The Mafia of the mind


I am offended.

It seems to be a growing business.

A story about "sensitivity readers" on the CBC website this morning, pitches it as a paid job.

Sensitivity readers are the new breed of self-appointed gurus that publishers hire to root thru The Catalog and sanitize Roald Dahl, Dr. Seuss and James Bond.

They screen new submissions for ideas, descriptors, characters, concepts that trigger them.

Naturally, since they're paid to be offended, they are finding A Lot of Stuff. 

Why wait for some granny or cat lady in East Boondocks to flag an offense, call her MP or storm the library? Do it now.

I think of sensitivity readers as I do "Intimacy Coordinators"on film and TV sets.

These ICs are apparently experts in Doing It, who make sure anything they see in scripts or being enacted is Okay and Not Different From How They Do It. 

Actors are animals.

Publishers and producers now hire these objection detectors in self-defense against bad press and lawsuits.

How does this differ from the protection money businesses pay the Mafia, so bad things don't happen?

If you don't pay, bad things will happen.

There is a word for that.

But it's not sensitivity.

LINK: Sensitivity readers (CBC News)


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