Sunday, February 12, 2023

An affair to remember?


A reader writes:

 In some countries, they stone women to death for committing adultery. And in some countries they can be equally brutal to men who commit adultery.

Are we starting a new trend in Canada?

Is there some awful crime involved in the John Tory story, the public has yet to learn? Because right now, I don’t get it.

                           *   *   *

The first three pages of the Saturday Star are a giddy rhapsody on Tory's downfall, as written by Grandma Grundy and the Burn the Witches Society.

You're right, of course.

Aside from the Star's delight in a gotcha moment that rekindles their glory days cashing in on the previous crackhead mayor, I suspect there's massive media schadenfreude in the contrast between Tory's public and private faces.

Turns out he's not as bland as the media have sworn to us for two decades.

Will there be a late add-on to this week's city budget agenda for pillories and shaming stocks on Nathan Phillips Square?

I await the Star editorial on the subject.


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