Sunday, August 21, 2022

FLASHBACK: Bob and Ray's Giant Overstocked Warehouse

 Stumbled across an air-check of Bob and Ray 
on WOR New York in 1976. 
The Bob and Ray Overstocked Warehouse
was holding a sale of 
man-eating lions
at minute 16.
Bob Elliot and Ray Gouldling
brought more than 40 characters
to Bob & Ray Toast
their afternoon hoot of
largely improved comedy. 

Ah, the sweet joy of hearing
Bob and Ray break each other up
or lose track of what
character they're voicing.
 Some thought the duo droll.
No, they were inspired.
They unleashed the carnival
of giggles
inside your head.
Wally Bailou,  and an episode of 
Mary Backstage Noble Wife
both appear in the 23-minutes below.

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