Thursday, April 23, 2020

So I read two cats test positive for corona virus.

I know cats don't cause corona19.

It was something that Trump told me.

"People are telling me," Trump said, "that cats--you know, cats?--can you believe what I'm telling you? Cats have covid. Did you see that? Isn't that right, Tony? Deb? Nobody knew, dunf. I always suspected. But that's just me. I'm not a veterinarian. Nobody in the world but me could know this cat fact. Could be true, might not. I'm just saying, you know? I hear that sleepy guy in his basement may have cats. Cats could have already killed that poor loser. Nobody in the world saw this fur thing coming. Nobody! Right? A cat killing a human? A man who runs against me for President? Maybe his cat injected him with bleach. Who knew? Bleach. Could be a good idea. Maybe not. We're checking, right Tony? But I acted early. I told Melania: No cats, darling. Are you listening? Where are you going? Baron? I'm talking to you--but that's not important, dunf. Hear me now, dummy. Cats. Virus. Hydroxychloroquine. Corona. I knew a guy with a cat, dunf. You know what? He's DEAD! Probably corona!
Did you hear about sunlight? Warm. Good. 
What do you have to lose? Think about it. 
People call me. Boris called. Justin too. Did I just say Justin? Maybe. You want to ask Tony? He's not here. Thank you very much."

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