What's more fun than visiting cows?
If BCE were in the business of selling beavers, don't you think they might do better? Frank and Gordon--the fuzzified beav pitchmen for Bell services in TV and print ads--are the most attractive part of the company. (Bell's choice of rodents as corporate spokesfolk is some sort of inside joke. Most customers get it.) But alas, Bell sells long distance, which is why so many of us are with Primus. And cell phones, which is why I use Telus. And home satellite services, which is why I'm with Star Choice. And internet broadband services, which is why I chose Xplornet. Apparently somebody at the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan has noticed this. Bell's biggest shareholder is "exploring" its options. My advice: keep the beavers. Lose the rest.
What do you get when you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies. But maybe not this year.
So the question becomes: if you have a life, why would you waste a great deal of time writing a blog? 1. Ego 2. Delusion 3. Revenge 4. Self-esteem issues 5. Boredom 6. Brain ooze 7. Ran out of DVDs 8. Over-medicated. Again. 9. New pictures of Vancouver Island trip. I choose the last.